Annual 310 Reminder
It’s that time of year again, time to see what damage the snow and ice has done to your headgate and even if your headgate is in great shape, it probably still needs cleaned out. Did you know that fixing and cleaning out your headgate requires a 310 permit? What about building a bridge or adding a culvert? Yep, that needs a 310 permit too.
This is your reminder that any kind of work in a perennial stream or on the banks needs a 310 permit. Need a 310 permit? Come talk to the Beaverhead Conservation District about your 310 permitting needs. Permits can be found on our website at If you have questions or need help filling out your 310 permit, the district administrator can be reached at (406) 683-3802 or
But do I really need a 310 permit? Yes, the Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act require a 310 permit for all projects in Montana. Work done without a 310 can result in fines of up to $500 per day until the situation is rectified. But what if I am in the middle of nowhere? Montana is getting more and more visitors every year and last year the number of complaint calls was up 400%. So even if you think no one will notice the probability of someone noticing is getting higher and higher every year so it is not worth risking it. Our goal is not to stop projects from happening, our goal is to protect the stream and the fish occupants from unintended consequences.