Regular Board Meeting
Beaverhead Conservation District's regular board meeting is held the third Thursday of every month in the Conference Room at the USDA Service Center, 420 Barrett Street, Dillon, MT. We invite you to join us for this public meeting. If you…
Grasshopper Watershed Planning Meeting
The Beaverhead Watershed Committee is updating their Watershed Restoration Plan and we are looking to talk with landowners and stakeholders throughout the Grasshopper Valley. We want to get your input on what is most important to you on Grasshopper Creek…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Otters
Join us for the eighth and final event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will learn oodles of outrageous observations on otters! We will kick off the evening at 6:00 PM with a community potluck dinner at the…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Sandhill Cranes
Join us for the seventh event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will study a stock of superb specifics about sandhill cranes! We will kick off the evening at 5:30 PM with a community potluck dinner at the…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Heron
Join us for the sixth event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will hear a heap of helpful hints about herons! We will kick off the evening at 6:00 PM with a free community barbecue at the Depot…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Pelicans
Join us for the fifth event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will ponder a plethora of puckish particulars about pelicans! We will kick off the evening at 6:00 PM with a community potluck dinner at the Taft-Nicholson…
Beaverhead Watershed Festival!
The Beaverhead Watershed Committee invites you to the Beaverhead Watershed Festival to celebrate the completion of our Poindexter Slough project! Enjoy a pint night at Beaverhead Brewery, food from Branding Iron, educational booths, live music from Shiloh Rising, and a…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Wolverines
Join us for the fourth event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will welcome a wealth of wild wisdoms about wolverines! We will kick off the evening at 6:00 PM with a potluck dinner at the Great Waters…
Wildlife Speaker Series Event – Lynx
Join us for the third event of our annual Summer Speaker Series, where we will learn a load of lovely lessons about lynx! We will kick off the evening at 5:00 PM with a free ice cream social at the…